HS10.1 2024 updated 25 July 2024
Free 2024 data analysis tool for senior primary school leaders
Analysing and Using Data (Excel Spreadsheet HS10.1 2024 updated 25 July 2024)
There is no password on this spreadsheet, when it gives you the option to open (although it says that the workbook contains one or more external sources that may be unsafe – there are no external sources and nothing is unsafe!) click ‘don’t update’. Start filling the spreadsheet in from Page 5 (EYFS attainment). Pages 3 and 4 fill in automatically as page 5 onwards are completed.
The download below is free for any primary school to use, to help senior leaders to analyse their internal and external data. Please note that it is provided in good faith, there should not be any errors in it, but it is provided with the understanding that I cannot be held responsible if errors are found. It has been preloaded with national data and data from the Internet. Where national data is not yet available the 2023 is used as the comparator.
Instructions are provided on page 1 of the spreadsheet. If you do find errors, please email me and outline where the error appears to be, and attach your version of the workbook. I will then do my best to correct your spreadsheet and any future downloads.
An updated version will be available once more national data is published.
Any feedback from schools about the spreadsheet, positive or negative is most welcome! Please email [email protected] Thank you.
————————————————————————————————————–Evaluating the Quality of the Curriculum for Pupils with SEND
Please download this file for Part 1 of the course:
Headship Support SEND Zip File
The password will be given out on the course.
Using and Analysing Data 2022/23 Course
Please download this zip file ready for the course:
Data Course 2023 V2
The password will be given out on the course.
Free 2023 data analysis tool for senior primary school leaders
Analysing and Using Data
The download below is free for any primary school to use, to help senior leaders to analyse their internal and external data. Please note that it is provided in good faith, there should not be any errors in it, but it is provided with the understanding that I cannot be held responsible if errors are found. It has been preloaded with national data and data from the Internet where national data is not yet available (from companies that compile data from various schools – please note that these results vary and may include errors). It automatically colour codes your results according to how good they are, but also based on cohort size.
Instructions are provided on page 1 of the spreadsheet. If you do find errors, please email me and outline where the error appears to be, and attach your version of the workbook. I will then do my best to correct your spreadsheet and any future downloads.
An updated version (HS10.1 2023) will be available once Analysing School Performance (ASP) the IDSR 2023 and other national data has been updated/ published. Please note, that I have not yet decided if this will be available free to schools, as a paid download or only available to those leaders who attend the course. I may or may not run an Analysing and Using Data course again in 2024, which I have typically run for the last 15 years.
Any feedback from schools about the spreadsheet, positive or negative is most welcome! Please email [email protected] Thank you.
HS10.0 2023 Sept 23 Free Version no password
When the spreadsheet opens, choose ‘Do not update’ from the offered menu.
Evaluating the Quality of Education in the EYFS Course:
EYFS Deep Dive Course V3
Please download the above zip file prior to the course. You will be given the password to open it on the course.
Additional proforma for those who attended this course, so that you can evaluate your attainment at the end of EYFS and compare each area with the national result. The password was given to you in the email:
EYFS 2023 HS13.1 to 15.1 Att Nat with PW
Training Your Teachers to Undertake Deep Dives
Headship Support TYTDD Part 2 Files
Adapted EEF-Logic-Model Subject Action Plan – Please also download this. No password needed.
This is the zip file for part 2 of the course. Again, it is large, so please give it time to download.
You DO NOT HAVE THE PASSWORD TO OPEN IT – this will be given out at the end of the course.
If you have time, please email to tell me which subject deep dive you have done, as I intend to give you a paper copy of the subject report example and action plan to use on the course (it will be rather a lot of documents on your screen if you try and use everything digitally!).
If you are on the 4 July 2023 course, please DO NOT download this zipfile until 48 hours before your course – in case any corrections are needed to this version!
This is a large zip file, so give it time to download. The password was sent to delegates in an email.
Hall Orchard CE Primary School Teacher Day
Deep Dive Proforma writing HO Parts 3 to 6
Deep Dive Proforma Science HO Part 3 to 6
Deep Dive Proforma reading beyond early reading HO Parts 3 to 6
Deep Dive Proforma RE HO Part 3 to 6
Deep Dive Proforma PSHE and RSE HO Part 3 to 6
Deep Dive Proforma PE HO Part 3 to 5
Deep Dive Proforma Music HO Part 3 to 5
Deep Dive Proforma Maths HO Part 3 to 6
Deep Dive Proforma Languages HO Part 3 to 6
Deep Dive Proforma History HO Part 3 to 6
Deep Dive Proforma Geography HO Part 3 to 6
Deep Dive Proforma early reading HO Parts 3 to 6
Deep Dive Proforma DT HO Part 3 to 6
Deep Dive Proforma Computing HO Part 3 to 6 PW
Deep Dive Proforma Art and Design HO Part 3 to 6
Adapted EEF-Logic-Model Subject Action Plan
Analysing and Using Data for School Improvement Course 2022
Please download the files below (three files) for your course
I do not recommend downloading them more than 24 hours before your course, as updates can occur at short notice, especially if ASP KS1 and phonics is published.
Pupil Progress Meeting Template 2022 HS11.1
The new password will be given out during the course. Please note, only those who have attended the course, or whom work regularly with Angela Kirk will be given access to these files. Please do not send them on to colleagues in other schools.
If headteachers or leaders from other schools would like access to these file, then please email Angela Kirk (contact form on this website).
Downloads for Courses, June 2022
Ideas for Geography Fieldwork from Primary Geography Publication
NSPCC Subject Leaders’ Workshops
Deep Dive Proformas:
Science Deep Dive Proforma Part 3 to 6 PW
History Deep Dive Proforma Part 3 to 6 PW
Geography Deep Dive Proforma Part 3 to 6 PW
Computing Deep Dive Proforma Part 3 to 6 PW
LearnAT Subject Leaders’ Workshops
Deep Dive Proformas:
Deep Dive Proforma early reading Parts 3 to 6 PW
Deep Dive Proforma reading beyond early reading Parts 3 to 6 PW
Deep Dive Proforma writing Parts 3 to 6 PW
Computing Deep Dive Proforma Part 3 to 6 PW
DT Deep Dive Proforma Part 3 to 6 PW
History Deep Dive Proforma Part 3 to 6 PP
Geography Deep Dive Proforma Part 3 to 6
Science Deep Dive Proforma Part 3 to 6
Art and Design Deep Dive Proforma Part 3 to 6 PW
Music Deep Dive Proforma Part 3 to 5 PW
PE Deep Dive Proforma Part 3 to 5 PW
Please note these materials are password protected and only availble to those who have attended the relevant courses.
Please note these materials are password protected and only availble to those who have attended the relevant courses.
LearnAT Subject Leaders’ Workshops
Deep Dive Proformas:
Deep Dive Proforma early reading Parts 3 to 6 PW
Deep Dive Proforma reading beyond early reading Parts 3 to 6 PW
Deep Dive Proforma writing Parts 3 to 6 PW
Computing Deep Dive Proforma Part 3 to 6 PW
DT Deep Dive Proforma Part 3 to 6 PW
History Deep Dive Proforma Part 3 to 6 PP