Training Your Teachers to Lead Subject Deep Dives

How good is your school’s curriculum in EVERY SUBJECT? This course STARTS by ensuring that leaders know EXACTLY what the curriculum for any given subject should include and HOW it should be structured to ensure that children UNDERSTAND, KNOW and REMEMBER what they have been taught.

Target Audience

This course is aimed at primary school executive headteachers, headteachers, deputy headteachers, assistant headteachers and heads of the whole school curriculum.

This is a complex course, given the references to so many subjects, so it is recommended that leaders attend in pairs (obviously you are welcome to send more leaders if you wish to train more people)..

Its purpose is to enable you to deliver deep dive courses in ALL SUBJECTS in your school/s. All training, PowerPoints and single subject course materials will be provided to you so that you can do this effectively, once you have completed BOTH parts of the course. Please note that there is a deep dive interim task (in ANY subject of your choice). In order to teach how to do a deep dive, using the steps that I recommend, it is important to undertake the process yourself.

Primary School Course Content

Part 1

  • Training your teachers to undertake a really detailed consideration of the school’s intended curriculum in the given subject.
  • Training teachers to monitor using deep dive methodology to determine the strengths and areas for improvement in the given subject.
  • Interviewing subject leaders and  supporting them to talk about the structure, organisation and detail of their subject curriculum.
  • Training teachers to efficiently evaluate and record all the parts of the deep dive, including the lesson visits, the pupil interviews, the discussions with teachers and where appropriate the work scrutiny.

Between part 1 and 2 of the course delegates will use the proformas given out to undertake a deep full dive in a subject of your choice in your own school. Delegates will then bring their notes to part 2 of the course and the course will focus on writing the deep dive report in a way that enables you to teach the process to your teachers. 

Part 2

  • Drawing together the evaluations from each of the deep dive activities into a report (and understanding how to teach this process in small steps) with the strengths and areas for improvement for the subject.
  • Making recommendations for next steps and subsequent action planning and monitoring, and how to teach this process in small steps to your teachers.


Once delegates have attended BOTH PARTS OF THE COURSE, they will be supplied with all the subject specific materials (from my single subject deep dive courses) so that they can lead training in their own school for all the following primary school subjects:

Reading (including early reading), writing (including oracy), mathematics, science, history, geography, religious education, PSHE/ RSE, design and technology, computing, physical education, art and design, music and modern foreign language. 

This will include for EACH SUBJECT: PowerPoint presentation slides & trainers’ notes, a deep dive subject proforma, an example deep dive report and a linked subject action plan (using the EEF model).

Please note that this is a course to deliver training in your own school. For those who wish to book the course to train across their MAT or other schools they are supporting, please contact me. Generally, this will not be a problem as long as I know! Please note that these course materials are copyrighted to Headship Support Limited and as part of the booking process you will be agreeing to only use the course materials in your own school or as agreed (it’s fine if you move schools and it is fine for those delegates whom I have agreed to use the course materials more widely). 

Course Availability & Prices

Training Teachers to Undertake Deep Dives – Autumn 2023 Course

Part 1:  Wednesday 20 September 2023, 9:30am – 2:30pm, buffet lunch included

 Part 2: Wednesday 8 November 2023, 9:30 – 2:30pm, buffet lunch included 

Please note that BOTH parts of the course need to be attended. Please ensure that you have read my terms and conditions before booking. Schools will be invoiced after part 1 for BOTH parts of the course. There will be no refunds if part 2 is not attended.

Delegates should bring with them a fully charged laptop so that they have access to their full school subject curriculum. For part 2, delegates will need to bring a fully charged laptop with their notes from their deep dive (on the proforma given out in part 1).

Course Venue: New Lubbesthorpe Primary School Training Room, Tay Road, Lubbesthorpe, Leicestershire, LE19 4BF

Tea, coffee and biscuits provided, alongside a delicious buffet lunch. 

Total price for BOTH PARTS of the course:

  • £349 for the first delegate, £249 for second delegate and then £199 for each subsequent delegates from the same school. Schools with the same executive headteacher can be treated as one school for the purpose of pricing, as long as ONE invoice can be sent to ONE school for the total course. 

All prices are subject to VAT.

IMPORTANT: Please note that direct email address of delegates is requested at booking so I can ensure they receive directly, any updated information about what they need to bring on the course.

Additional Information

Please add the names, positions and email addresses of any additional delegates: