Consulting Packages

Evaluating the Quality of the Curriculum for SEND Pupils

School Achievement Visit and Report

  • Pre-visit analysis based on data from your Analysis School Performance website (ASP) your Inspection Data Summary Dashboard (IDSR) and internal tracking data, including the achievement of groups of pupils sent 7 days in advance
  • Half day face to face visit discussion on pre-visit notes and questions it raises
  • Final report on achievement in your school (based on data analysis), with recommendations for improvement

Please note that data analysis needs to be based on accurate teacher assessment. It needs to be backed up by other monitoring information such as lesson observations, book audits and discussions with pupils.

Price: £800

Supported Focused Review

Two days, includes detailed report.

The support review is usually undertaken with the whole senior leadership team, led by the consultant.

  • The key focus on reading, maths and the wider curriculum (two other deep dives to be agreed beforehand).
  • A significant number of joint lesson visits with the headteacher/ SMT members/ subject leader and myself are undertaken. These are followed by pupil interviews, teacher interviews and discussions considering pupils’ books. All the evidence from the deep dives are then considered to consider the systemic strengths and weaknesses within the curriculum.
  • Joint pupil interviews also form part of the work above, not only to jointly consider pupils’ learning, but also to consider the impact of the school’s work on behaviour, pupils’ attitudes and on their personal development.
  • A discussion about how the school uses internal tracking information, and an evaluation of attainment and progress at the end of the EYFS and of Key Stages 1 & 2. I request that the school’s IDSR, ASP information, SEF and SDP are sent to me in advance.
  • Leadership and management is jointly evaluated using interviews with the SLT and documentary evidence. A safeguarding and website compliance check is included.

Price: £2,800 for a two day review.
The review includes a detailed report. The time in school each day is 8am – 5pm.

Improve Your Use of Data

  • Joint working with the school to do an evaluation of your current attainment and progress using ASP, your IDSRs, EYFS and school tracking information.
  • A consideration of what data your school collects across the whole curriculum, how it is used and how well it supports staff to have a good work/ life balance.
  • An investigation into how well your different groups of pupils achieve.
  • Training and recommendations for the headteacher and/ or senior leaders in order to improve your use of data and tracking and how this information should impact on your School Development Plan.

Price: £650

School Development Plan / Rapid Attainment Plan

I find the best way to write these is with the headteacher (and ideally SLT or SMT) in school. I provide a suitable format and examples from other schools and we then write the draft document in the day.

Price: £650

Headteachers’ Performance Management

  • Pre-discussion (by telephone and/or email) with headteacher regarding proposed targets for the new cycle and their evaluation of their previous targets.
  • ½ day face to face discussion including consultant time with just the governors and all three parties (headteacher/ governors/ consultant).
  • The consultant will write up the governors’ evaluation statement during the meeting and provide all those concerned with a copy of the completed performance management review prior to leaving or by email depending on which is preferred by those concerned.

Price: £600

N.B. Headteachers are responsible for agreeing the performance management meeting date with three of their governors. The headteacher will be required to provide a written evaluation of their previous targets to the consultant at least 14 days prior to the date of meeting with governors. The headteacher should also make some suggestions for what they would like to consider for their targets for the new cycle, together with any professional development that they would like the governors to agree (if the cost is beyond that they usually use). Headteachers are responsible for sending the evaluation of the previous targets and their suggested new targets to governors at least 7 days prior to the meeting date, once this has been agreed with the consultant.

Please note, that the headteacher’s performance management option is only available to schools which take up the school ‘achievement’ visit prior to the performance management consultation visit in the Autumn term. It is recommended that there is a minimum of 14 days between the standards visit and the headteacher’s performance management,

Support for Schools in Challenging Circumstances

Multi-day package over term/year depending on needs.

Local authority and academy support contracts welcome.

Working alongside the Headteacher and Senior Managers, which might include (depending on the areas for improvement required):

  • Offering a Whole School Review, undertaken in the style of coaching staff through Deep Dives..
  • addressing the areas for improvement, drawing up a Raising Attainment Plan/ School Development Plan
  • working with the school to improve the quality of teaching and learning in relation to addressing the Key Issues, with the focus being on empowering teachers and staff to have ownership of these improvements
  • improving assessment and tracking, including the strategic management of these
  • improving the quality of the curriculum through a series of Deep Dives
  • improving the quality of marking by considering whole class feedback and effective Assessment for Learning
  • developing a ‘distributed leadership’, training senior staff and other teachers in the role of monitoring and evaluation
  • working with all staff to address behaviour and discipline issues
  • working to improve attendance and punctuality
  • working to improve relationships with parents and carers, including hard to reach parents
  • supporting the role of governors through training
  • supporting the headteacher through the ’emotional issues’ relating to the challenge ahead!

Price: £Dependant on needs

Bespoke Packages

Devised through discussion with you, addressing EXACTLY your training, monitoring and evaluation needs. This may include Deep Dive coaching, joint lesson visits, joint book evaluations, working with the school to write your SEF or SDP. Most areas of achievement, teaching and learning and leadership and management are offered.

Prices: £650 per full day, £325 per half-day

Academic year 2023-2024, general consultancy fees are £650 per day, £325 per half day +VAT. Some work requires considerable preparation and post visit report time, so some visits have higher consultancy fees.

A usual day visit would take place 9am – 4pm
Half days: 9am – 12 noon or 1pm – 4pm
Other times by negotiation (for example, 8am-5pm £850)

Please read the ‘terms and conditions’ tab regarding consultancy work. All prices on this website are quoted exclusive of VAT, which will be added to the invoice at 20%.